The start of AnderZ-Om


FUlfilment of a need

From an idea to a business

AnderZ-Om was born out of a personal need for a different approach to coaching. For a long time, I had the feeling that something was 'not right' for me without being able to pinpoint exactly what it was.

I noticed this in my personal life during my studies and later at various moments in my work. Sometimes very concretely, but more often as a kind of uneasy feeling.

Over the years, I increasingly noticed that this caused confusion and doubt because my feelings did not match the things I could reason and see happening.

Almost 15 years ago, a former colleague suggested I read the poem 'Ithaka' by the Greek poet Kavafis. Somehow, this poem touched me deeply. And it still does from time to time.

Reading this poem started a journey of discovery into how I would like to do things differently, based on trust in my own qualities. This laid the foundation for AnderZ-Om.

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