The start of AnderZ-Om


FUlfilment of a need

From an idea to a business

AnderZ-Om emerged from my personal need for a different way of coaching. For a long time, I sensed that something felt 'not right' for me without being able to point out what it was.

I noticed this in my personal life, during my studies and later at various times in my work. Sometimes very concrete, but often also a kind of awkward feeling.

I also noticed more and more that this caused confusion and doubt, because my feeling did not match the things I could reason and saw happening.

Almost 15 years ago, a former colleague gave me the tip to read the poem 'Ithaka' by the Greek poet Cavafis. Somehow this poem struck me. And it still does.

Reading this poem triggered the start journey of discovery into how I would like to do things differently. See here the foundation for AnderZ-Om. 

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