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MY belief

Passion, Authenticity, Success and  Structure 

Change begins with knowing and recognizing yourself. Knowing where your strengths lie, what is important to you, and identifying the barriers you feel that prevent you from doing things differently. To help find answers to these questions, I like to work with PASS.

PASS is built on four building blocks. By connecting these four building blocks, space is created for real change.

Finding Your Passion Passion and the enthusiasm that comes with it help drive you forward. Without passion, it is often difficult to become truly successful. Whether it concerns relationships, sports, work, or a hobby, passion is a crucial building block for daring to do things differently. Understanding what you are truly passionate about provides insight and helps find answers to questions you may have.

Being Authentic Being authentic or daring to be who you truly are means recognizing yourself in your needs. This is important in finding answers and breaking ingrained patterns. What is important to you, what do you stand for, and how do you want to live? And do you dare to express this? With these first two building blocks, the foundation for a splendid structure is laid.

Achieving Success Success as a result of your passion and who you are—how wonderful is that? In practice, success is often pursued as a goal in itself: building a career, making money, being successful while also being the perfect friend, partner, or colleague. Hard work usually gets you far. However, if you can be who you are and yield to your own needs and passions, the chances of greater success increase without having to work harder.

Creating Structure Structure is the fourth and final building block. It ensures that you remain successful based on your own needs and enthusiasm. It helps you recognize pitfalls and old behaviors or survival strategies. With this structure, you can continue to develop and grow.

To help with this, I prefer to work with the self-developed PASS concept. A concept of four building blocks that together can help initiate real changes in our lives.

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